Friday, March 6, 2020

College Finals Tips From a Los Angeles Private Tutor

College Finals Tips From a Los Angeles Private Tutor Tips From a Private San Diego College Tutor: 5 Tips for College Finals College students are finishing up another year of university level course work that has kept them busy since last August. They are just a few short days away from heading off for summer vacation and taking a mental break from all the hard work theyve done. Before they can enjoy some rest and relaxation, they need to ace their final exams, which will entail an intense amount of studying, essay writing, and review. Finals week can be horrid and overly stressful or can be somewhat manageable, depending on how efficient the student’s study habits are and how intense their coursework is but there are some tips and tricks that can help them survive our in-home San Diego college tutors are here to help you score high on your finals. 1.   Talk with the professor or TA Its really important for students to visit the professor or TA during office hours ahead of time so they have an opportunity to ask any questions or clarify any assignment details before the due date. Office hours fill up very quickly in the days leading up to finals, so students are encouraged to book ahead of time. Many students discover that they have follow-up questions or need further clarifications from the instructor so they should not wait until the last minute to communicate. 2.   Re-read the syllabus College students are also encouraged to reread their syllabus for important information about final exams. Sometimes a final exam is worth as little as 5% of the final grade, making it a pretty low-stress situation where as, in other situations, a final exam can be worth 25% or even 50% of the final grade. That means a student’s entire letter grade could be decided based on one day. The syllabus might also offer clues as to where students should look for study materials or where they might find potential test questions within the reading or class notes. Instructors often put bonus point questions within the syllabus just to see if students read it (READ: 5 Signs You Need an Irvine Math Tutor in College). 3.   Limit social activities to studying Its important to have an overall balance and a fun social life while in college but finals week is not the time to be meeting with friends. Social activities should cease while studying for finals except working with a study group and helping each other succeed. Students will have plenty of time to meet with friends over the summer once they have aced all of their difficult exams. 4.   Find a quiet study space During finals week it seems like every library cubicle, every couch in the dorm common room, and every bench under a tree is filled with a student anxiously studying for exams. This leaves many students stressed out and unable to find the peace and quiet they need to focus on their studies. Students may need to be creative and venture to a coffee shop or library off campus, or they may need to book a private study space at the school library in advance. Students who simply cant find a quiet spot should use ear plugs or any other thing that limits distractions from classmates and the environment. 5.   Prioritize Finals week is also a good time for students to think about priorities. Which classes are more important than others? Do they need to maintain an overall GPA to meet the requirements of their financial aid package? What are their grades like in their potential major field of study? What grades do they have going into the final? Taking 10 or 15 minutes to look at where students need to put the bulk of their time and effort can help them thrive through this difficult week. Getting an A+ in one course might not help if a student receives an F in another. Perhaps theyre better off with two Bs. Students need to plan ahead to make sure they meet their specific goals and have an overall successful semester. Its not too late to book your private San Diego college tutor for finals. Our tutors work around your busy schedules. Call TutorNerds for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

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